Super Light to Carry ... Laowa 24mm f/14 2X Macro Probe User Reviews. Venus Optics are quickly becoming a leader in extreme lens design, but even by … Distinguished by its long, slender lens barrel, this macro lens provides a 2:1 maximum magnification with a 1.5' minimum focusing distance and a close 0.8" minimum working distance. The wide angle design means much greater depth of field at close distances than possible with conventional telephoto macro lens, … laowa 9mm f2.8 zero-d. laowa 25mm f2.8 2.5-5x ultra macro. When comparing the Laowa 24mm to a more standard macro lens like the Canon 100mm f/2.8L, there are some very notable differences. A Laowa 24mm f/14 Relay 2x Macro lens is currently on display at Photokina and it's got a rather eye-catching design.

laowa 15mm f2 zero-d. laowa 7.5mm f2 mft. 現貨發售. Previously funded in Kickstarter and ranked 2nd in the all-time most funded lens project, The Laowa 24mm f/14 2x Probe from Venus Optics is the world’s first consumer-grade probe lens which focuses from 2:1 macro to infinity and with a compelling wide angle ‘Bug Eye’ perspective. Share. 24mm F14 Objectif macro tubulaire Grossissement 2x 1 899,00 € Objectif Macro tubulaire de longueur focale 24 mm offrant un rapport de grossissement jusqu'au 2:1. The Laowa 24mm f/14 2X Macro Probe, aka “Bug Eye” lens, made by Venus Optics, might as well be the world’s coolest lens.It reeks of modern innovation – from a crowdfunded origin to a 2:1 macro-wide-angle-hybrid capability.

LAOWA 24mm f/14 2X Macro Probe Lens ※現在品切れ、次回入荷6月下旬頃予定 予約承り中 在庫の無い製品については、ご予約を受け付けております。 拡大表示 The Laowa 24mm f/14 Probe can cover both the standard 35mm full frame & Super35 image sensor. Sep 23, 2016. Unlike conventional macro lenses, the Laowa 24mm Probe lens can create a perspective that cannot be replicated with a conventional macro lens. 0. LAOWA老蛙 24mm f/14 2X Macro Probe專為全畫幅(Full Frame)格式而設。有別於傳統微距鏡頭,40cm長的幼鏡筒(前端20cm防水設計)讓攝影師在保持一定距離下依然可以拍出震撼的微距影像。 Described as "weird but genius," the Canon EF-mount Laowa 24mm f/14 Probe from Venus Optics is a truly unique lens designed for close-up shooting. 《新品》laowa(ラオワ)24mm f14 f14 probe 2x macro 2x probe (ソニーfe用) :4541607613119:カメラ専門店マップカメラ店 トーセ、中間は「期初予想を大幅に上回り大幅増収増益」 『ロスフラ』貢献 モバファク、第1四半期は外出自粛の影響で『駅メモ! Venus Laowa 24mm f/14 2x Macro Probe Lens with Built-In Ring Light for Canon EF . Super Light to Carry ... Laowa 24mm f/14 2X Macro Probe User Reviews. This wide-angle design results in greater depth of field at close focusing distances than is possible with conventional macro lens. 0. Venus Optics was formed by a group of passionate industry experts and photographers who wish to create Unique, Practical & Affordable lenses. 現貨發售.

When mounted on a 35mm FF sensor camera, it will give you an FF equivalent focal range of 24mm. Due to hit the shops next year, the Laowa 24mm f/14 Relay 2x … Share. The Laowa 24mm f/14 Probe can cover both the standard 35mm full frame & Super35 image sensor. こちらはLAOWA 24mm F14 2X MacroProbe ニコンFマウント[LAO0035]の買取価格比較ページです。今後、LAOWA 24mm F14 2X MacroProbe ニコンFマウント[LAO0035]の価格・相場を一覧化する予定と … Venus Optics are quickly becoming a leader in extreme lens design, but even by … The world’s first consumer-grade probe lens which focuses from 2:1 macro to infinity and with a compelling wide angle ‘Bug Eye’ perspective. LAOWA 24mm f/14 2X Macro Probe Lens Nikon F. Previously funded in Kickstarter and ranked 2nd in the all-time most funded lens project, this is the world’s first consumer-grade probe lens which focuses from 2:1 macro to infinity and with a compelling wide angle ‘Bug Eye’ perspective.

laowa 15mm f4 wide angle macro. The Laowa 24mm f/14 2x Macro Lens is Super Weird… Also Awesome.

Venus 24mm F14 2x Macro Probe is a Manual Focus (MF) Macro Prime lens with 35mm FF max sensor coverage. DL Cade. Laowa 24mm f/14 Replay 2x Macro: Hands-on First Impressions By digitalrev 28/09/2016 17/10/2019 Venus Optics has been making some pretty interesting and niche lenses ever since the company was founded just a few years ago, and we already have their new 12mm f/2.8 “Zero-D” lens sitting on our desk. laowa 12mm f2.8 zero-d. laowa 105mm f2 bokeh dreamer. LAOWA老蛙 24mm f/14 2X Macro Probe專為全畫幅(Full Frame)格式而設。有別於傳統微距鏡頭,40cm長的幼鏡筒(前端20cm防水設計)讓攝影師在保持一定距離下依然可以拍出震撼的微距影像。 24mm f/14 Probe This is the world’s first consumer-grade probe lens which focuses from 2:1 macro to infinity and with a compelling wide-angle ‘Bug Eye’ perspective.

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