From previous posts here I gather this is due to the fact that Youtube cannot access the player because it is a local instantiation.

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. From the Dashboard. See the use cases page to select an API method and see its use cases. See the use cases page to select an API method and see its use cases. Ensure End-To-End Quality For All Of Your Web Services. That raises a couple of interesting questions – How do you know if you are API ready and how mature you API initiative really is? Here is my code: After the loading, it should invoke event --"onReady", then print out "My player is onReady" in browser console.

The API calls this function when the player's state changes. Find the project you need in the Sample Projects section: Click the image to enlarge it.

Four Powerful Tools.

Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information.

Sweetwater is one of the largest pro audio dealers in the world, offering a huge selection of music instruments and audio gear.

ReadyAPI allows teams to create, manage, and execute automated functional, security, and performance tests in one centralized interface - accelerating API quality for Agile and DevOps software teams. Last year we launched our API Ready concept in a series of blog posts. One Intuitive Platform. The project has the following structure: The YouTube REST API contains a root “feeds” resource with child resources for videos channels and standard feeds.
By Rob Gravelle ... Once the video is cued and ready to play, the API will call your handler again with a video cued event number of 5.

One Intuitive Platform.

The API calls made do not require any authentication so this can be run straight out of the box. The project API has the following structure: To Open the project. El parámetro obligatorio videoId indica el ID de video de YouTube del video que se va a reproducir. That raises a couple of interesting questions – How do you know if you are API ready and how mature you API initiative really is? En los feeds de video de la API de datos de YouTube, la etiqueta indica el ID.

But it doesn't show.

The YouTube sample project demonstrates how you get information about YouTube channels. The API Ready concept is designed to assist you in every aspect of your API initiative.

Ensure End-To-End Quality For All Of Your Web Services. They've got free shipping, free tech support, easy payment plans, and the most knowledgable sales staff in the industry.

Rather than try to remember what event each number corresponds to, you can use one … Open the start page, click Create Functional Test and, in the subsequent dialog, select API Definition: Click the image to enlarge it. JavaScript code samples for the YouTube Data API are now available in the APIs Explorer.

function onPlayerReady(event) {; } // 5. The following code works in JsFiddle, but does not work in StackOverflow editor. ReadyAPI allows teams to create, manage, and execute automated functional, security, and performance tests in one centralized interface - accelerating API quality for Agile and DevOps software teams. Esta función carga y reproduce el video indicado. The API Ready concept is designed to assist you in every aspect of your API initiative. Respond to Embedded YouTube Video Events.


Four Powerful Tools. The project has the following structure: The YouTube REST API contains a root “feeds” resource with child resources for videos channels and standard feeds. The API calls made do not require any authentication so this can be run straight out of the box. Embed a YouTube player in your application. API Functional Automation Testing using ReadyAPI 4.3 (20 ratings) Course Ratings are calculated from individual students’ ratings and a variety of other signals, like age of rating and reliability, to ensure that they reflect course quality fairly and accurately. I'm trying to build a Chrome extension to show a Youtube video using Youtube's iframe API.

JavaScript code samples for the YouTube Data API are now available in the APIs Explorer. The collection are basically an aray of objects, extended with the following 3 accessors: - start_index - items_per_page - total_results You can pass any youtube argument to the api finders, or set them as default in your youtube model class

The API will call this function when the video player is ready.

; El parámetro opcional startSeconds acepta un número decimal o entero.

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

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