DroidCam Client for PC – DroidCam Client is a Turns your Android phone device into an amazing wireless webcam!.

Clear-cut environment and connecting the phone wirelessly The download is available as an EXE file and the latest version is 6.2.7. Advertisement. This site is not directly affiliated with DroidCam Client. 1.

DroidCam is a freeware phone webcam application: Use your Android phone or tablet as your PC's webcam input.

This Freeware Drivers app, was create by DEV47APPS Inc. And recently, updated to the final version at June, 14th 2019.

Fonctionnant virtuellement sur tous les réseaux, vous pouvez aussi utiliser DroidCam en tant que webcam réseau via un navigateur web.
All it takes is a few simple steps to start using your smartphone as a webcam in world-renowned videoconferencing programs like Skype, Zoom, and more. DroidCam Client è il programma che consente di utilizzare DroidCam con i programmi installati sul PC. 07.04.20 .

- IP web camera MJPEG access (access camera via a browser or from another phone/tablet/etc). DroidCam transforme votre appareil Android en une webcam sans fil, vous laissant utiliser Skype, Zoom, Teams et plus encore. Download DroidCam Client App Latest Version 9/10 (68 点) - 無料でDroidCamをダウンロード DroidCamはWindows向けのクライアントでAndroid向けのアプリとともに使うことであなたのスマートフォンやタブレットをビデオ会話や監視カメラのウェブカメラとして使用可能にします. The app works with a PC Client component that installs the webcam drivers, and connects the computer with the Android device. Dev47Apps . DroidCam is a software application for Windows. Fonctionnalités: - Discutez en utilisant "DroidCam Webcam" sur votre ordinateur, incluant le son et l'image. DroidCam Client is a product developed by DEV47APPS. あなたのAndroidをウェブカメラに変えるのはDroidCamのおかげで簡単 … 5.0 . DroidCam Client is the Windows program that you need if you want to use the Android app. Il client richiesto per l'utilizzo di DroidCam su Windows . Ultima versione.

6.0.1 . - Use other apps with DroidCam in the background, or turn the screen off to save battery.

- Simple and efficient. DroidCam Client is a small app that was created to give you the possibility to use the mobile phone as a webcam or microphone on the computer. 8.1 k. Valuta questa App . All trademarks, registered trademarks, product names and company names or logos mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.

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