Syntax. Often in VBA we need to ask the users to select files or directories before we execute the actual functionality of our macro.

The following example displays a File Picker dialog box in details view by using the FileDialog object, and displays each selected file in a message box. Dient zum Abrufen oder Festlegen einer MsoFileDialogView-Konstanten, die die anfängliche Präsentation von Dateien und Ordnern in einem Datei Dialogfeld darstellt.

Example. expression.FileDialog (fileDialogType) expression A variable that represents an Application object. Sub Main() 'Declare a variable as a FileDialog object. FileDialog オブジェクトの使い方と使用例 AllowMultiSelect プロパティ,ButtonName プロパティ,DialogType プロパティ,FilterIndex プロパティ,Filters プロパティ,InitialFileName プロパティ,InitialView プロパティ,SelectedItems プロパティ,Title プロパティ,Item プロパティ initialView-Eigenschaft (Office) FileDialog.InitialView property (Office) 01/09/2019; 2 Minuten Lesedauer; In diesem Artikel.

Parameters Today we will learn how to use the Application.FileDialog, to understand the various msoFileDialogFilePicker file dialog picking options and how to properly manage these dialogs. expression A variable that represents a FileDialog object. InitialView. FileDialog. Returns a FileDialog object representing an instance of the file dialog. FileDialog View プロパティ (Office) FileDialog.InitialView property (Office) 01/09/2019; この記事の内容. Application.FileDialog property (Excel) 04/04/2019; 2 minutes to read +1; In this article.

Welcome to the VBA Open file dialog post. ファイルとフォルダー内のファイルとフォルダーの最初の表示を表す**MsoFileDialogView** 定数を取得または設定します。 Gets or sets an MsoFileDialogView constant representing the initial presentation of files and folders in a file dialog box.

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