I would like it is the vortex actually has like a Windows style system restore, select a date/time. I would recommend consulting the wiki that Nexus Mods has up for Vortex (it also appears inside of Vortex as "Knowledge Base"), before consulting tutorials that people have put up.
It was easy to install mods via NMM and they worked. but to export/save the backup as a file would be great. The official download page for Vortex, the new mod manager made by Nexus Mods. As Vortex is in beta, there are things that are subject to change, and as such, the Wiki are usually the most up to date, with video tutorials coming up behind them.

I dont know how vortex works. Page 1 of 2 - Vortex--Game crashing - posted in Vortex Discussion: Before I installed vortex, skyrim ran just fine. The Nexus Mods team plans to release an alpha-like test for a new mod manager called Vortex. After installing vortex and trying to figure it out, I got the mods I have to load but now after the game loads, I hit the tab key and click on magic, the game crashes every time now. so If I stuff up the way mods are assigned I can simply restore vortex and redeploy the mods. According to a developer named Tannin, who is behind the development of Vortex, he explained Vortex’s current and plans on nexusmods.com. Upon initialising, Vortex will automatically associate itself with Nexus Mods download links and inform you of that via a notification in the top right corner: This is necessary so Vortex can be used to download mods straight from Nexus Mods via the corresponding “Download: Vortex” button on a given mod page.

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