r/NHKEasyNews: A Subreddit Dedicated To Translating NHK Easy News Articles Press J to jump to the feed.

Japan's only public broadcaster NHK provides this reliable Japanese language course for free. It also show the reading (furigana) of Kanji as well as contains a list of new words with meanings in each news, or it will link to multiple dictionaries like English, Japanese, Chinese and Korean. Listening practice: Each text is combined with an audio record to make you speak like a native too. NHK Special Japanese 2. Each week we discuss important news in simple, clear Japanese. Huge database of + 31076 Japanese articles, + 173386 vocabularies, +6355 kanji, +169736 examples, and over 2000 grammar The following resources are provided now: 1. For instance, I can get better news about South Sudan from the BBC, but ironically, the BBC seems to offer better coverage of Japanese domestic news than this NHK service. NHK Easier イーシア gathers content from News Web Easy and presents it in a way optimized for language learners: partially (show … 2. 30 MAY 2020; NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN - English News at 23:00 (JST), May 30 NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN - English News at 23:00 (JST), May 30 The BEST NHK news app with average rating of 4.9 and the most downloads in Google play! NHK WORLD -JAPAN is the international broadcast service of NHK, Japan's sole and one of the biggest public broadcasters in the world. This apps will suite with JLPT N1 - N5 level. Short, simple Japanese Articles translated into English. 英語学習者向けのニュースです。 This app supports ALL NHK news and radio, is FREE and with offline mode which you can now download preferred articles and NHK … Because this is so overly focused on Japan on the world stage, it feels like its' main purpose is to be a propaganda outlet.

No need to use any Japanese dictonary. Reading practice: Easy connection with daily Japanese text resources to immerse you in Japanese environment; 2. BBC Words in the News. It now includes the movies which come along with the news. 179 likes.

Headline News on スペースアルク. Some articles have audio. 1. Become a good listener of Japanese by listening to our interesting and fun news topics. In fact, I recall NHK easy news not helping me improve N4 grammar as much as Tobira, because Tobira makes extensive use of structures like the passive and whatnot.

Save vocabularies and practise. We read it slowly to give you a chance to hear every word and we provide easy popup translations for not just the difficult words but whole phrases along with the readings of the Kanji. >>> With TODAI Easy Japan News, the latest Japanese news updates every day more easily and quickly. 3. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts This app lets you read and listen to daily news in a very simple Japanese. NHK WORLD provides the latest news from Japan, Asia and around the world. NHK Easy News & Translation.

News Web Easy イーシー is a version targeted at children with simpler words, kanji and sentence structures, and with furigana (振 ふ り 仮名 がな). 短い簡単な英語の記事が読めます。単語リストもあります。 音声が聞ける記事もあります。 You can read short articles in easy English with a vocabulary list. NHK Standard Japanese Features: 1. This apps will suite with JLPT N4, N3 level.

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