Using & Troubleshooting; Games & Apps; Parental Controls; Internet Connection; Other Systems.

A child account can be managed by only one Nintendo Account, the family group admin. Select Family group. Classic Edition Series; Wii U; Wii & Wii mini; Nintendo DSi Family; Nintendo DS Family; Nintendo Documents & Policies; Accounts & My Nintendo. Before you start, make sure you know the email address for each person that you want to add to the group. The official Nintendo site for kids. Nintendo Accounts … The new family group must have less than 8 members. Just as Nintendo stated recently, the Family Group option is now available for your Nintendo Account. When I try to sign in, I get a message saying "The email address or password is incorrect. One Nintendo Account can create a family group and up to 7 other Nintendo Account holders can join it; all members of the group will have access to Nintendo Switch Online family membership. Click the child's account that you want to update, then click Sign-in and security settings. Navigate to and sign in if you haven't already. Allows up to eight Nintendo Accounts in a family group to use Nintendo Switch Online services, provided the accounts are set to supported countries. Nintendo eShop purchase restrictions for Nintendo Switch and the online Game Store can only be set through a parent / guardian’s Nintendo Account in a Nintendo family group. ; When an account is removed, all Nintendo eShop restrictions will be lifted and account history will not be visible to the supervisor any more. How to Assign Nintendo Account Family Group Roles. As you may already have read, new Family Account features and improved parental controls have gone live today with PS4 system software update 5.0.. Click "Enable two-step verification". Click on Invite someone to your family … Instructions on registering an e-mail address to a supervised Nintendo Account. If you’re a parent or guardian of children ages 12 or younger, you can create and manage separate Nintendo Accounts for them with a Nintendo Account family group. A Nintendo Switch Online family membership remains with the Nintendo Account that purchased the membership. If the person you want to add does not yet have a Nintendo Account, they will need to first visit to create one. However, you can transfer a child account to another admin in order to reorganise your family groups. Additional Information: Supervised Nintendo Accounts for users who are under the age of 16 OR who have not yet registered an email address cannot be removed from a family group. If the email address is incorrect, click "Change" next to the "Email Address" menu setting under "User … It will always cover the purchaser’s current family group. Create Nintendo Accounts for kids to let them earn and redeem their own My Nintendo points. Click "Submit" to have a verification code sent to the email address shown. Description: Instructions on setting or transferring a specific Nintendo Account role (admin, parent / guardian, or supervised).

A Nintendo Account family group allows up to 8 Nintendo Account users to connect together in one group. Select "Sign-in and security settings", then scroll down to "Two-Step Verification" and click "Edit". Nintendo confirms up to 160,000 people's accounts were hacked. If the new admin already manages a family group, the child account will become a member of that group. Go to the Nintendo Account website and sign in to your Nintendo Account. Similar pages. Additional Information: For information about the functions of each role in a family group, click here. These new features give parents and guardians nuanced control over the console’s usage and settings, allowing them to stay in control of what younger children play, watch, and can access online, while older kids and adults are free to play …

Family memberships can be purchased only by users over 18 years of age. The Nintendo Account country for the new admin must be the same country as the supervised account. Click on Family Group from the list of options below your profile avatar. Watch videos, find games, take quizzes, read Nintendo news and more at Play Nintendo - a fun place for kids. Enter and confirm a new password. If the purchaser leaves or is transferred from the family group, the other members of that original group will not have access to the service until they join a purchaser’s group.

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