The device’s large Infinity Flex Display, measuring 7.3 inches when unfolded, was designed to be the optimum size for carrying around when folded. It rotates more to show the back of the phone, with the triple rear camera. Folding and unfolding things are familiar parts of everyday life. Of course, this endless potential begins with the Galaxy Fold. It rotates more to show the back of the phone, with the triple rear camera. LEARN MORE. Samsung Galaxy Fold (Android 9.0 Pie) Le dispositif peut économiser d'énergie en utilisant un écran noir-et-blanc avec uniquement quelques icônes basiques pour économiser d'énergie.

The Galaxy Fold received mixed pre-release reception, with praise for its innovative design, but with critics noting that the screen's plastic coating was not as premium or durable as a traditional glass smartphone screen, and concluding that the Galaxy Fold was a proof of concept device for early adopters rather than a device suited for the mass market. Weder das Galaxy Fold von Samsung noch das Huawei Mate X sind perfekte Designs - die erste Generation faltbarer Smartphones/Tablets hat noch viel Optimierungspotential, das … A dedicated support team, at your service. Die Spalten am … And once you sign up for Samsung Care+ within 30 days of your purchase, your Galaxy Fold is covered for one incident of accidental damage for one year. Galaxy Fold seen folded with the cover display, cover camera, and a graphic on-screen. In February 2019, the words ‘folding & unfolding’ meet ‘smartphone’ to open a new, unprecedented chapter. In February 2019, the words ‘folding & unfolding’ meet ‘smartphone’ to open a new, unprecedented chapter. The next-gen Galaxy Fold design might offer a feature no other Samsung foldable phone has, water and dust resistance. The Galaxy Fold includes exclusive access to a dedicated support team, ready to assist you on demand by phone or video chat, white glove care, in-person onboarding, tutorials and enhanced options for mail-in repair 8. It rotates to show the side with the power button, Bixby button/Fingerprint Scanner and SIM tray. Now, more things are made possible than ever before. Le Galaxy Fold fermé est très massif, avec un design assez allongé, épais et lourd (plus de 250 grammes). Galaxy Fold seen folded with the cover display, cover camera, and a graphic on-screen.

Samsung Galaxy Fold Design Story.

Folding and unfolding things are familiar parts of everyday life.

Galaxy Fold ist kein Leichtgewicht. Design elements of the Galaxy Fold ensure this seamless ease of use. Das Samsung Galaxy Fold … Galaxy Fold im Kurztest: Verarbeitung und Design Nach dem verpatzten Marktstart im Mai musste Samsung beim Galaxy Fold nochmal Hand anlegen. Now, more things are made possible than ever before. The Galaxy Fold design team started with the very basics of ‘folding’ and what that action means in everyday life, studying how various things fold and unfold as well as what advantages each folding process offers. The inward-folding hinge not only provides an intuitive and familiar folding sensation, but also helps protect the display. Rotating further, the hinge appears. Mit kleinen Änderungen will Samsung die Haltbarkeit des Klapp-Smartphones Galaxy Fold erhöhen. It rotates to show the side with the power button, Bixby button/Fingerprint Scanner and SIM tray.

Links das Design des Galaxy Fold, rechts das neue Konzept in Klapphandy-Optik. Of course, this endless potential begins with the Galaxy Fold. Then there's another irksome aspect of the Galaxy Fold - when it's folded, a gap remains between the two pieces. Rotating further, the hinge appears. Receive one-on-one assistance from Samsung specialists by phone or in store with Fold Concierge. Samsung nimmt kleine Änderungen am Galaxy-Fold-Design vor - PC-WELT

Samsung Galaxy Fold is full of gaps.

Entfaltet kommt es hingegen auf stolze 117,9 mm Breite. Samsung Galaxy Fold : Après le Samsung Galaxy S10 annoncé il y a quelques heures à San Francisco, c’est au tour du smartphone pliable de la marque coréenne d’être officialisé. Cela dit, s'il ne vous restez pas assez d'énergie et n'est pas possible le charger à ce moment, vous pouvez garder votre dispositif allumé pendant longtemps. Le Samsung Galaxy Fold a un design très élégant et le fait de pouvoir déplier son smartphone pour que celui-ci puisse se transformer en tablette est très tentant. Zusammengefaltet ist das Smartphone 62,9 mm breit. People in fact fold and unfold all manner of objects in their day-to-day lives, from their books to their wallets. Galaxy Fold Premier Service makes your experience enjoyable each step of the way.

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