I need to get a list of Credentials from a remote computer for each User - so I can duplicate the entries if the computer is repaced. Cached Credentials PowerShell Module (Windows Vault) Added a new library for working with cached credentials. PowerShell: Delete all cmdkey credentials #PowerShell #Windows - Delete-AllCmdKeyCredentials.ps1 The base cmdkey commands can be automated using some old skool batch commands. This is using CMD "cmdkey" for /F "tokens=1,2 delims= " %G in ('cmdkey /list ^| findstr Target') do cmdkey /delete %H. Windows will then securely cache the information and automatically use it when needed. While cmdkey didn’t quite suit my criteria for pentest labs, it had a few characteristics that piqued my interest: You can list and create credentials w/ cmdkey as a regular domain user; It’s often used to perform administrative tasks on remote systems; Sounds like an opportunity to abuse this for privilege escalation to me! PS C:\scripts> (cmdkey /list).count 64 PS C:\scripts> Invoke-Command -ComputerName ALPHA -ScriptBlock {cmdkey /list} Currently stored credentials: * NONE * PS C:\scripts> You can see that I have 64 items in my credential cache but when I remote it says "* NONE *" There is absolutely no way to get the credential vault remotely by design. On a Windows 2012 R2 server we have serveral Windows services that need to access a RestFull Interface on a remote server. The credentials created by CMDKEY can also be created and edited in the GUI Control Panel | Credential Manager The idea came from the function I added to ComputerManagement that uses cached credentials for Remote Desktop Protocol. The below is a sample command which can be executed in a cmd prompt. Thank you FOR can be used to loop through the credentials and then pass them to the delete command. If /ras is specified, the stored remote access entry will be deleted. /list Display the list of stored user names and credentials. The full syntax is: cmdkey [ {/add:|/generic:}] {/smartcard|/user: [/pass:]} [/delete {:|/ras}] /list:.

That’s a limitation of the Cmdkey command – not really a PowerShell thing. If is specified, that … Deletes a user name and password from the list. Connect-RDP – … cmdkey /list. With this utility, you can save a username and a password for a given remote connection.

To securely cache login credentials, you can use the command line utility cmdkey.exe. I don't need the entire credentials, just what they are as if one had run Manage Windows Credentials on the remote computer - or a reasonable facsimile thereof that provides the: If you copy cmdkey to a network share, you can direct PSExec to run it from there, and then store the cmdkey output in another shared folder: C:\Tools\psexec -accepteula -u domain\administrator -p password \\REMOTEPC cmd /c \\server\share\cmdkey /list > \\server\share\CmdKey… If TargetName is not specified, all stored user names and credentials will be listed. This wraps the cmdkey shell command in order to work with credentials stored in the Windows Vault. But it’s related to the way Remotig handles credentials. Cmdkey Command. cmdkey /add:server01 /user:mikedan /pass:Kleo. Post Views: 5,734. To add a user name and password for user Mikedan to access computer Server01 and prompt for the password whenever Server01 is accessed, type: cmdkey /add:server01 /user:mikedan.

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