Thank you for considering my request. When to use お疲れ様です (Otsukaresama desu) Choose the Method: Your thanks can be sent as a written letter, a thank you note, or an email thank you message.All three are appropriate. Your company expertise, reliability, and even goodness generate a good and enjoyable place to work. This simple yet thoughtful act may result in a continued happy and healthy relationship between your work friends for many years to come.

It’s said that every accident is preventable, but it takes someone like you to make sure. A written letter is the most formal, a thank you note is more personal, and an email is a great idea when the time is of the essence. The closest English translation would be “thank you for your hard work”, “good work” or more simply saying that “you’ve worked hard”. Go to your boss's office immediately upon receiving the email and tell her that you appreciate the compliment. Thank you for your consideration and attention to this matter. Thank you for pulling everyone/everything together on such short notice. 8) Employees like you are the epitome of professionalism. 「いつも最高の同僚 / 上司でいてくれてありがとうございます。」 ⇒職場の同僚・上司に改めて感謝の気持ちを述べるときに使えるフレーズ. I appreciate you getting this to me so quickly so I have time to review it. By saying お疲れ様です, you show your appreciation for a colleague’s work within your team or related to your company. Thanking a person for this work and appreciating him urges him to perform even much better in future too. For other thank-you to your boss samples on different topics, check out these posts:

Thanks for getting this done.

I appreciate your consideration and look forward to hearing from you. It's always nice to say "thank you" face-to-face even though you received the compliment via email. Thank you. You could say, Don't go overboard, but make it clear that you like your job and that you value the relationship you have with your boss. Thank you for your understanding. Below, you will find thank you note examples to thank your boss for help, support, mentoring, work anniversary wishes, opportunities, recognition, appreciation and for being the best boss ever! A small thank you note or message of appreciation goes a long way for a colleague who’s been there for you at work. You are a lifesaver. Thank you for your consideration and forthcoming response. Read the article and find an appropriate thank you message. Thank you for being a key part of this chain. When you do open your mouth to respond, you have two goals: to reinforce the positive evaluation that led to the compliment, and at the same time to make the giver feel good. Here are suggestions for accepting compliments on your work: Say “thanks.” Begin your response by saying “thank you.” And sound like you mean it. Thank you for always being a wonderful colleague / boss. 「ご理解いただきありがとうございます。 These thank you messages can help in boosting the morale of an employee. Thank you quotes for hard work - Its time to thank your employee for the hard work he has done. Thanks for stepping up and getting this done for us. Good work, as always. Thanks for your good work this week. Thank you very much for your consideration. Thank you for taking responsibility for your safe work environment and doing the right thing every time, even when it's not the easiest choice. 9) Interns admire you, your colleagues respect you and your boss trusts you – thank you for being a great role model for everyone around you. So try these underlying thank you messages for hard work. Many thanks for extending your passion and adaptability in times one of us of your staff needs a day-off. Thanks for your help today. Thank you! Thank you for bringing your best to work every single day. I am very grateful for your consideration.

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