This … OS support and versions. Intel PROSet/Wireless WiFi Software is a software program developed by Intel. Wireless Software Extensions / Intel® MyWiFi Technology; Administrator Toolkit; Intel® PROSet/Wireless Enterprise Software (also known as Intel® PROSet/Wireless WiFi Connection Utility) The software begins upgrading: Upgrade installation is complete: Repair, modify, or uninstall.

Intel PROSet/Wireless WiFi Software version = 21.40.5.

(Starting from release version 20.120, a driver-only installation package is provided for Windows 10).

Download Intel PROSet/Wireless WiFi Software - Manage wireless connections and devices easier, create hotspots and conduct testing routines using this toolkit for Windows 10, 8.1 and 7

Products Home Drivers & Software. Or.

Driver version = for Windows 7 for 18265, 8265, 3168, 18260, 8260, 17265, 7265 (Rev.

Note Starting with Software Release 21.50.1, there will be no new Wireless driver versions released for Windows* 7 and Windows* 8.1 operating systems.

Here, you can download the latest Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software and drivers available for the following Intel® Wireless 7260 Family products: Intel® Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260; Intel® Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260 for Desktop; Intel® Dual Band Wireless-N 7260; Intel® Wireless-N 7260 .

To update the Wi-Fi driver for your Intel Wireless Adapter: Use the Intel® Driver & Support Assistant (recommended). WiFi_21.10.1_PROSet64_Win10.exe. Identify your products and get driver and software updates for your Intel hardware. Refer to the following link for latest available drivers for the Intel® Wireless 7265 Family (Rev.C), Intel® Dual Band Wireless-AC 3160 and Intel® Wireless 7260 Family adapters. Intel ProSet Software is a wireless connection management tool. Select your operating system from the drop-down menu below, then select your version to download and manually install.

It has some extra features that windows doesn't provide, but windows can manage your connection just fine without it. Intel PROSet/Wireless Software, télécharger gratuitement. Right-click the Windows button and select Programs and Features. Votre adaptateur sans fil ne nécessite pas le Logiciel Intel® PROSet/Wireless sous Windows® 10.

Available Downloads.

Starting with release version 20.120 on Windows® 10, a driver-only installation package is provided on Download Center. During setup, the program creates a startup registration point in Windows in … Windows 10, 64-bit* Language: Multi language. This download record contains the latest Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software and drivers available for Intel® Wireless 7260 Family. D), and 3165.

The most common release is 14.01.1000, with over 98% of all installations currently using this version. En tant que tel, nous ne recommandons pas l'installation du Logiciel Intel® PROSet/Wireless sur Windows® 10, sauf si vous rencontrez les critères décrits dans les exceptions ci-dessous. As such, we don't recommend installing the Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software on Windows® 10 unless you meet the criteria outlined in the exceptions below.

Intel PROSet/Wireless Software Installateur forfait pour pilote version 11.5 et Intel PROSet/Wireless Tools version 11.5 Support Intel (r) Wireless WiFi Link 4965AGN Mini Card et carte Intel (r) PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection Mini sur système d'exploitation … Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software and Drivers for Intel® Wireless 7260 Family Version: Latest (Latest) Date: 5/21/2019. Right-click the Windows button and select Programs and Features. What wireless card do you have? Wireless Software Extensions / Intel® MyWiFi Technology; Administrator Toolkit; Intel® PROSet/Wireless Enterprise Software (also known as Intel® PROSet/Wireless WiFi Connection Utility) The software begins upgrading: Upgrade installation is complete: Repair, modify, or uninstall.

Legacy Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software Available on download center for release version 20.110 and earlier.

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