API Name Description Category Followers Versions; Google Maps API [This API is no longer available.
Die Google Maps API stellt Ihnen interessante Möglichkeiten zur Verfügung, Vektorkarten in Ihre eigene Webseite zu integrieren. Wenn Sie die Google Maps API nutzen möchten, ist dies je nach Anzahl der Anfragen mit Kosten verbunden. Let’s start to use Google API. Dadurch lassen sich Fehler leichter lokalisieren und beheben. For information on contributing to this project, please see the … Each API has its own big free quota which allows to reliably rely on Google services. Examples of these include Search, Gmail, Translate or Google Maps. This method acts as bridge between array-based and collection-based APIs. But If you want to retrieve a list of cities within a particular state/province, there is no dedicated api for it. Eine API testet mittels übergebener Daten, ob das Modul einwandfrei funktioniert. Google APIs is a set of application programming interfaces developed by Google which allow communication with Google Services and their integration to other services. Third-party apps can use these APIs to take advantage of or extend the functionality of the existing services. Currently, 57 APIs are available from Google, as well as a number of other developer tools. Google APIs is a set of application programming interfaces developed by Google which allow communication with Google Services and their integration to other services. Examples of these include Search, Gmail, Translate or Google Maps. There is lot of Google APIs and discover on this page a list of all the Google Apis available to developer. A public API for this project can be found here ! Google APIs: An ever-changing list of 57 Google APIs. With geonames.org, it has published api for retrieving list of country names and state names for each country; then there is the api for retrieving all cities in the world. For each API refer to the documentation to get more details and the list of …

Zudem fungieren APIs als Datenübermittler im Softwarebereich: Inhalt kann mit Hilfe von APIs zwischen verschiedenen Webseiten und Programmen ausgetauscht werden. Außerdem können Sie eigene Apps für iOS oder Android mit der Google Maps API entwickeln. Der IT-Bereich ist voller Begriffe, die nicht selbsterklärend sind. Tutorials abound if you find an API of interest, and for more general inquiries, developers should check out this basic project by Google on using APIs. Full list of APIs is available here. Third-party apps can use these APIs to take advantage of or extend the functionality of the existing services. We list all the APIs available and only the last version recommended by Google. A collective list of free APIs for use in software and web development.

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