Using the New Zwift Run With TrainingPeaks. I thought the whole … ive been trying to figure out the erg mode whether i need it on or not. MyETraining in Bluetooth Smart mode has about a 15% overshoot. It's less apparent in Zwift/ANT, but still there at about half of the overshoot seen in Real. This mode will set your trainer's resistance for you rather than leaving that responsibility on your shoulders. It's very severe in the Elite Real software (150w->250w becomes 150w->400+w when riding a Power/Time training program). a few updates back caused me to shut off my Zwift account as before the updates everything worked perfect and i was riding 120 miles per ride, then the updates came out causing a reconnect of trainer etc and since then all the way up until now it’s been difficult to even pedal on zwift and im a climber in real world. I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this issue. When doing a workout in ERG mode, I find it much more difficult to maintain a given wattage and cadence in a lower gear than a higher one. “But watts at different cadences use different muscle fibres. Change of gears and/or changes of candence … The trainer takes a couple of seconds to respond, but then pretty much stabilizes at a resistance level that corresponds to “asked” power for the candence. So for example, if I'm doing 85 rpm in a 34/19 my heart rate is 15 bpm higher than if I'm doing 85 rpm in the 52/19. Zwift will set your FTP based on previous ride data, you can override your FTP settings if required. Ergo mode will automatically control the resistance based on your FTP setting in Zwift. Specifically, During warmup / in between intervals, when power target is low (say 75 watts), it use to flat out / display at 75 no matter how fast you pedaled, but now it show actual power and it fluctuates up and down beyond target power.

It has made ERG mode unusable for me. Increased the power smoothing to 5 and (based on some feedback from the zwift support team) I don’t change gears during power changes in erg mode, I simply try to keep candence stable.

submitted 2 years ago by ibcoleman. When completing a workout in Zwift it will default to ergo mode. i appreciate … A Smart trainer like the Wahoo KICKR includes a load-restricted mode called Erg Mode. Get the most out of ERG mode Courtesy of Zwift “We used to say that a watt is a watt,” explains Poulton. For runners, Zwift has added a running option with Free Run and workout modes as well as other running specific features. Ergo mode and workouts. Additionally, Zwift has an especially useful feature that lets you toggle erg mode on or off in the middle of a given workout as needed.

Lower Gearing Significantly Harder In ERG Mode . ERG Mode power fluctuating (Wahoo Kicker) Did something change in how Zwift displays power while using a smart trainer (Whaoo Kicker in my case) with ERG mode engaged? Riding in Erg mode is a little like loosening your grip on the reins of the horse you're riding.

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