Updated on April 14, 2020. reviewed by. Version: 2.2.

‎Wake on Lan monitors the local network for WoL packets and alerts you when a Magic Packet is seen on the network.

Please note you need to be using an app that sends "Subnet Directed Broadcasts" or uses the local subnet broadcast address.

Technische Details.

He writes troubleshooting content and is the General Manager of Lifewire. The Great part about most of the software below is that they're absolutely FREE! Wake On Lan is a great feature that is built into most Computers and Servers that allows you to send a special WOL Magic Packet over the network and wake up the machine from a Sleep or Hibernate state.. Wake On Lan Packets are typically sent from a tool or software over UDP Ports 7 and 9 which then wakes up the device (Computer, Server, Router, Switch, etc). Jessica …

Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn; Tim Fisher.

Größe: 429,9KB. If you do not know what this means please see the app website…

General Manager, VP, Lifewire.com. In addition to targeting a PC by the IP or MAC address, users can also specify the Subnet Mask, Remote Port Number and even the method to send the “wake” command. Depicus WOL GUI is another no-frills Wake-On-Lan tool, similar to that of SolarWinds, but with a few extra settings that can come in quite handy. Depicus Wake On Lan/Wan allows you to wake any compatible computer from anywhere in the world.

For example, you could use the graphical Wake on LAN Windows program , a web interface that allows you to send a packet from your browser , or an Android app . Tim Fisher. We previously recommended depicus, whose website offers a variety of free Wake-On-LAN utilities for any platform you might want. Tim Fisher has 30+ years' professional technology support experience.


our editorial process. How to Set Up and Use Wake-on-LAN Turn on your computer from a remote location. Prior to the mainstream adoption of Wake on LAN, the commands were previously sent via the command line, and some programs still use this method of execution to run their applications. Depicus WOL GUI is another Wake on LAN tool that uses a Graphical User Interface to send commands to the computers on your network.

Best Wake-on-LAN Software & Tools for Windows 7, 10, Server 2012/2018: We've compiled a small list of the Best Wake on Lan software and tools that will help you Wake up any PC on your internal network via the protocol.

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